Tag Archives: #chilli

Foods to avoid for better sleep

1. Sugar!!
Is this a surprise? Probably not. You’re trying to finish an assignment at midnight and feel peckish. A sugary treat seems like the perfect snack to keep you going. WRONG! Sugar is not only making you fat and giving you diabetes but it is also to blame for your lack of sleep.

2. Caffeine
Obviously. Put down that can of Red Bull. You might think that an afternoon pick-me-up cappuccino is harmless but the effects of caffeine can last for up to 12 hours!

3. Spicy foods
Your favourite chilli ramen noodles could be keeping you up at night! Spicy foods can cause heart burn and may keep you up!

4. High-fat foods
Heavy meals will activate digestion and might cause you to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom!

5. Don’t crash diet!

6. Alcohol
It may bring on sleepiness but excessive consumption of alcohol will result in broken sleep.

7. Salt
Salt raises blood pressure and can dehydrate the body leading to poor quality of sleep.

8. Nicotine
Smoking is bad for health (o rly?). The nicotine in cigarettes acts as a stimulant and can disrupt sleep.

9. Protein
Protein before bed isn’t the best idea as the body finds it hard to digest.

10. Eating at night
Studies say that you should stop eating three hours before bed to allow your body to prepare for sleep. If you feel hungry before bed have a small snack like a banana or crackers. Going to bed hungry will make it harder to fall asleep as your body will instinctually send signals to your brain to go find food.

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